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Group News and Upcoming Conferences

Updated: Jul 21, 2023

Group News

Neil Street joins our group from the Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG) of the Australian Government. He will be conducting research into the high frequency magnetic properties of hexagonal ferrites for use in electromagnetic wave absorbers. Neil commenced his PhD at the end of September and is supervised by Prof. Kiyonori Suzuki and A/Prof. Philip Nakashima. Welcome Neil!

Upcoming Conferences

June 2018: International School of Crystallography: 51st Course on Electron Crystallography, Erice, Italy. Philip lecturing on “Quantitative Convergent-Beam Electron Diffraction”. Visit the Summer School website.

June 2018: International School of Crystallography: 52nd Course on Quantum Crystallography, Erice, Italy. Philip lecturing on “Electron Density from Electron Diffraction”. Visit the Summer School website.

July 2018: Sagamore XIX: Conference on Quantum Crystallography, Halifax, Canada. Visit the conference website.

September 2018: The 19th International Microscopy Congress (IMC19), Sydney, Australia. Visit the conference website.


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