Philip N. H. Nakashima
Philip N. H. Nakashima
Department of Materials Science & Engineering
Monash University, Victoria, Australia

Research interests
Philip’s primary research interests focus on the determination of atomic structure and the measurement of electronic structure and chemical bonding in crystalline materials using convergent-beam electron diffraction (CBED) and quantitative CBED (QCBED). This has led to research interest and expertise in the following domains:
- Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
- Electron diffraction (CBED and QCBED)
- Quantum crystallography (electron distribution and chemical bonding)
- Electron crystallography
- Metals physics
- Strongly correlated electron materials, semiconductors and other inorganic compounds
- Experimental and theoretical condensed matter physics
- Plasmonics and electron dynamics in metals
- Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS)
- Detector characterisation, digital image restoration, quantification and quality control
- Electron diffraction and scattering calculations, software development and programming
- Computational physics and modelling
- Creative approaches in teaching crystallography to undergraduates and postgraduates
A considerable proportion of Philip’s research efforts have involved technique development, spanning most of the domains listed above, with a tendency to develop a new technique and then apply it to the solution of a materials science problem. This approach to his research is best exemplified by the development of differential QCBED [1 – 3], which was immediately followed by the determination of the bonding electron density in aluminium [4, 5].
[1] P.N.H. Nakashima, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 (2007), 125506.
[2] P.N.H. Nakashima, B.C. Muddle, J. Appl. Cryst. 43 (2010), 280-284.
[3] P.N.H. Nakashima, B.C. Muddle, Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010), 115135.
[4] P.N.H. Nakashima, A.E. Smith, J. Etheridge, B.C. Muddle, Science 331 (2011), 1583-1586.
[5] P.A. Midgley, Science 331 (2011), 1528-1529.